We had a fun Halloween this year. Jacoby was a little dog and I think he thought it was pretty fun. He was excited about trick-or-treating and all the candy. Now he keeps asking for "candy" and "chocolate". We went to a carnival at Tyler's school on Friday where Jacoby went around to the buildings on campus and did some trick-or-treating and then played on some blow-up toys and had some good snacks. It was fun to spend time with Tyler and we just loved taking Jacoby around to get treats; this year he was at a fun age for Halloween.
On Saturday we went to a trunk-or-treat at the church. I'd never been to one before, but they are great. It was nice to walk around the parking lot to all the cars and he got lots of candy (that I will be helping myself to) and it didn't take very long. It's so weird to be going trick-or-treating in shorts and t-shirts. What the? This is weird, but I like it!
Yesterday we had a little Halloween party with some of our friends. It wa fun to get together and do something on Halloween. We had lots of good treats and had fun playing games. I'm sure grateful to have the new friends I've made down here.
If you know me, you know that I LOVE treats of any kind. I ate way too many over the Halloween weekend and am so SICK of them. Ah! I need something healthy. I hope you all had a fun weekend!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
2 months ago
What a cute puppy! That's definitely weird to go trick or treating without a coat, let alone in shorts! I'm glad you had a nice Halloween.
We loved going to the events at the school. They do a nice job and the weather is incredible in AZ for Halloween.
Your home looks great!
Jacobys legs are sooooo tan in that second picture!!
Okay, you're a big nerd — that hat turned out GREAT! It's way better than the shoddy job I did on Trey's doggie hat. He looks really cute, and so do you.
Hey - I just clicked on your blog from the u creat website. I have been looking for a damask bed set for quite a while. I am hoping that you will tell me where this one is from. It looks great with the bright colors by the way!
What cute kids!!
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