Sunday, October 3, 2010

the countdown begins

I don't know that we've been up to anything too exciting, but here's a little update.
I have always thought it was hilarious when kids fall asleep in their high-chair while eating, but Jacoby has never done it. The other day, he wouldn't lay down for his nap and so I got him some toast and went in the other room for a minute. I didn't hear him chattering after awhile and came out to this. I had to grab the camera. :) He looked so handsome in his little outfit that I had to get a picture.
Jacoby is the WORST shopper of all time and hates sitting in the cart or stroller, doesn't stay by me, and runs away. Well on this trip to the grocery store, I made him use his monkey backpack/leash and I bribed him with this huge sucker. He was thrilled and was a lot better than normal. It was a huge mess, but I don't even care. By the way, I don't know why people think leashes are a bad thing, please forgive me for trying to be a good Mom and take care of my kid. Grr...
I was so thrilled that Katelyn's husband had an interview at Midwestern. It was great to spend a little bit of time with her. I'm really hoping that Doug gets in so they can move by us. Jacoby and Krew had fun together swimming and playing on the toys at the mall. I love Kate and miss her lots. She even colored my hair while she was here; she does such a good job. Thanks for coming to see us! Oh, Katelyn agrees that Jacoby is a bad shopper and a very busy boy. Dang! Ha ha.

Jacoby had is two-year check-up the other day and it was a real nightmare. It was a new doctor's office, but I think he quickly realized what was going on and his memories of the awful stitches came back. They could hardly even do anything. I felt bad for him because he's been through a lot at the doctor's office already. We ended up going to get him Red at the Disney Store afterword. I think he's his favorite car yet.
He is loving cars right now and loves to line them up in a row.
Little girls push dolls in strollers, boys push cars.
Yeah, Jacoby runs around in a diaper a lot; it's hotter than heck here!
Tyler had his white coat ceremony on Friday. We're really proud of him and how hard he works. He's doing really well, but that's not a surprise.

I'm tellin' ya, it's hot here, check out that sweaty forehead as proof.
The countdown has definitely begun, my family is coming to see us in 4 days. It's been almost three months since I've seen them. I miss them so much. I'm really glad that we have Skype and can see each other and talk on there, but I usually start crying after I talk to them or while I'm talking to them. They really are the best. Can't wait to see you guys!


Steph said...

I bet it was so fun to have Kate come visit you. She's fabulous at doing hair.

Sorry Jacoby is so naughty to shop with. I used to think using leashes were crazy, but no I can definitely see myself using one. I'm sure I will when I fly down to see you.

Tyler looks so handsome in his white coat.

Judy said...

He is getting so big. And so cute. It is so fun your family is going to go see you. It is so fun there. Have a blast!!!!

R. Long Pyper said...

Oh, I hate taking my kids shopping too. Sorry Jacoby's being a little stinker — it's so frustrating! Hopefully he'll grow out of it soon.

It seems like Lonnie's white-coat ceremony was just last month, so time goes by super fast! I hope you can really find lots to love in AZ, and we'll be excited for you to be done and come back home. Miss you lots, Missy. :)

Christen said...

Are you as sick of the heat as I am? Ugh, enough already! You guys look so cute at the white coat ceremony - exciting!

I'm so excited for you that your family is coming this weekend - I know how much you miss them! Have fun!!

Savannah said...

It's unreal how stinking cute Jacoby is. I'm glad you and Ty had sometime alone for the white coat ceremony. What a hard worker. Have fun with your family this weekend. Miss you guys!!

Mark & Nicole Oaks said...

Tell Tyler congrats! Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun. Sorry it is still so hot there. You should come see me sometime. I am so jealous that your family is coming to see you. I can't wait for mine to come for Christmas! Yea!

Doug and Kate said...

I already want to come back! I don't think Jacoby is a bad shoper by any means he's just a busy little 2 year old :) he sure kept me laughing!! It was so fun to visit. I wish we could have had more time tho. That pic. of Jacoby asleep in the high chair is halarius. You and Tyler are such a good looking couple. No wonder coby is so handsome!