Well I know it's been a long time since I blogged and I'm real sorry. I just haven't really felt like it lately, but I'm going to try to be better! It's been hard because we've been running all over the place, we've been back and forth from Idaho Falls and Rexburg. August is a month full of birthdays on my side of the family. Jacoby kicks us off, then a week later is Eden's, mine, and then Johnny's. I still wish that Johnny would've been born on my birthday, but it was the day after so that's cool too. My aunt Janell and cousin Nic's birthdays are the day before mine and I always thought that was fun, so hopefully Johnny will too someday. Well I had a really nice birthday. My birthday was on Sunday, so after church we went to my parent's for dinner. A few days before my birthday I begged my mom to make me peach cheesecake, my very favorite, so Steph made the cheesecake and my mom made the tasty peach topping. After cake we went to Tyler's house to stay the night. Debie also made me a very yummy cake! I received lots of nice gifts from everyone, so thanks a lot.
My parents gave me a bike and I'm so thrilled! For Jacoby's birthday they gave him this great bike seat. I hadn't ever seen or heard of the seats in front, but my cousin's wife, Kirsten told me how much she loved hers so I thought it would be great. I took Jacoby on a ride today and it was really fun, but man it seems like I'm always going uphill here in Rexburg. Ha ha. Hint hint, need to start working out!

This video of Jacoby is hilarious!! He's just laughing and screaming and he's so proud of himself, I'm so glad I got a video of this!