Well first off, I loved this photo of Jacoby that I posted the other day, so of course I had to scrap it. I just love his blue eyes, I hope they don't change! Well as you all know I'm really into digital scrapbooking and I get all of my kits from Designer Digitals. Well they just had a contest that I entered my heart collage layout of Jacoby. So everyone that's registered at Designer Digitals gets to vote on a layout. If we win we get a nanochromatic IPOD, so I really want to win. So I would love it if you guys voted for me. Just go here, scroll down to my name: Missybaby-You have Stolen my Heart and click on it. Thanks guys!

Hey Missy, today cole, Stacy and I were in bed watching tv, and talking and we was talking about blogging, and our conversation ended up on you and Jacoby. We all think you are so beautiful and sweet and kind and that Jacoby is the cutest little boy with the most beautiful eyes and smile. We all think the world of you and I can't thank you enough for your love and support. You are so kind and big-hearted. I love your page. You are a pro. Good job girl!
I LOVE this picture. I need to see him again, and you as well! I hope everything is great! Love you.
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