Jacoby took this picture. It took forever for him to get this one, and I don't even like it but oh well. He thought he was pretty important.

I thought it was time I did a little update on how my pregnancy is going. Mainly just for myself and maybe my mom and sisters to see some pictures. We're getting so excited to have our little girl and have been getting a few things ready. We brought back a bunch of baby stuff at Christmas that we had left in Idaho. My grandparents were able to bring some bigger items, which we appreciated so much. I've been working on a few projects for her: blankets, burp cloths, bibs, her quilt for her room, and some headbands. We've already decided on her name, Hallie Sue. Sue is after Tyler's Grandma Sue who passed away and it sounds great with Hallie we think. Tyler and I have loved it since we were expecting Jacoby, so we are pretty set on it and I've already started monogramming things. :) Jacoby talks about her a lot and doesn't know why she can't come out now. He's going to be a great helper to me, he's very sweet and caring with babies. Here's a list I want to update occasionally throughout my pregnancy:
how far along: 29 weeks on Tuesday
total weight gain: 22 pounds (oh boy)
maternity clothes: That is all I can wear now, and even my long stretchy shirts are starting to show my big belly at the bottom, and that isn't attractive.
told family and friends: Yes, we told at 16 weeks.
miss anything: Yes, I miss hot baths, cookie dough, my regular clothes, painting my toes comfortably, and sleeping on my stomach.
movement: I feel her moving all the time. I can feel her little bum or a knee staying in one place too. Feeling her move all day makes me so happy. Tyler teases me for always having my hand on my stomach.
food cravings: Not really, just a lot of chocolate, but that isn't exclusive to my pregnancy I don't think. :)
anything make you quesy or sick: If I don't eat regularly I get really sick and throw up.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah, I think it was very obvious at 4 1/2 months.
labor signs: nope
belly button in or out: Definitely out, but I already had and outie so now it's just really pushed out and weird. :)
happy or moody: Mostly happy, I'm feeling good right now.
looking forward to: seeing Jacoby and Hallie together, taking naps with her, and dressing her up
aches and pains: Yes, I do get those ligament pains pretty often.
symptoms: quite a bit of energy still, hard to get out of bed in the morning, and hungry