We're so excited that Tyler is done with his first year of medical school. He worked so hard and did SO well; I'm so proud of my smarty pants husband. We're really happy to be able to spend time with him this summer. Jacoby likes to ask Jacoby each day when he gets home if he has to go to school tonight and now Tyler gets to say no. They have been having lots of fun together.

Tyler, you shouldn't have done that, the sun didn't give you the tan you were hoping for. :) He got fried! I guess when you don't really see the sun at all for nine months, this is what happens.

Jacoby tackled Tyler right when he walked in the door the last day of school. He had balloons waiting for him!

We went to dinner that night with all our friends. The day before, us girls got together to decorate cupcakes. The banner says "Congrats" and "One Down" on the other side. The boys were pretty surprised when they brought them out at the restaurant.
Your cupcake bunting and cupcakes look awesome! I bet you're so glad to have Tyler done with school for the summer. I just wish you were coming home sooner.
Wahoo!! One year down. If only you guys could be here all summer!
Yay for summer and being done with school! I am so glad Tyler did well and can join in on the fun with you two now!
Jacoby looks so grown up in the picture by the pool! I feel a trip coming on...need to see that little guy so I can practice ;) What are your summer plans? Are you coming up here at all? Congrats to Ty and YOU! What an accomplishment!!!!
Love all the fun things you did to celebrate Tyler finishing his first year. It has to feel good to have one year down! I bet they were surprised to see the cupcakes you girls made at the restaurant.
I see you discovered On the Border. (: All they have here are the chips at Sam's Club. No restaurant. ):
Congrats on surving your first year!
That is so exciting! I bet you guys will have such a fun summer together. Jacoby seems pretty happy to have his daddy home.
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