So here is our bedroom and family room for now. I like a lot of color; I always have.
Friday, October 29, 2010
apartment pictures
So here is our bedroom and family room for now. I like a lot of color; I always have.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
And the winner is #12, the nurse, Kristen, who said:
My favorite costume was when (as an adult) I dressed up like a nurse, with scrubs, a stethescope... the works. We took the kids around trick-or-treating, and had a great day. We decided to end at a nursing home that allowed the kids to trick or treat. The entire time we were there, old people kept grabbing me and asking me if I would take them back to their rooms... I had to keep explaining that I didnt work there. It was pretty funny.
Thanks everyone for entering! It was so fun to hear what all of you were for Halloween. Some of the different things you dressed up as were: horse, witch, Belle, crayon, Flinstone family, Pillsbury Doughboy, Winnie the Pooh, present, nurse, mermaid, pirate, and dice. Thanks and congrats Kristen! E-mail me at your address and I'll get this in the mail!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
fire truck
Monday, October 18, 2010
halloween decorations and a little giveaway
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I Love Visitors!
My family is so great and are so thoughtful of others and of me and made me feel so special. I really appreciate everything they do. We did lots of fun things while they were here, but also got to hang out a lot and just talk and be together. I really miss having my family so close because it's such a comfort knowing they are close by if you need anything.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
the countdown begins
I have always thought it was hilarious when kids fall asleep in their high-chair while eating, but Jacoby has never done it. The other day, he wouldn't lay down for his nap and so I got him some toast and went in the other room for a minute. I didn't hear him chattering after awhile and came out to this. I had to grab the camera. :)