So my neice, Eden is a year old and she's adorable. She has naturally curly hair and it's so fun to fix, just throw in a little gel and it springs into curls. My mom said that this is what my hair looked like when I was her age, so I had her send me a picture. I'm a few months older then Eden so my hair is longer, but our hair is a ton the same.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
2 months ago
Your hair was so cute and it still is. I hope Eden's turns out like yours when she's older, too. I've loved every age so far. Right now Eden is learning new words pretty much daily and she's so interactive. And I love the age Jacoby is at too because they are just so sweet and innocent and so entirely dependent. Enjoy it while you can. And then enjoy the next age and the next and the next. . .
You two look so alike, I can't believe it. I love your hair! This is a fun post because I have thought that you two look alike, but it was fun to see the pictures next to each other.
It is pretty fun seeing your pictures together. I always loved fixing your hair and taking you places. Everyone loved. It is the same with Eden.
That is so cute! I have ALWAYS loved your hair. It is so beautiful. Eden gets cuter and cuter with every post. I love the blog world. Love to see all you old friends and your families. I was wondering if I could get your mailing address. If you didn't email it to me it's Thanks.
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