Judy thanks for tagging me. This was fun to do. I really love blogging because it's kind of like keeping a journal, and I have a hard time doing that, blogging makes it much more fun to record what's going on in your life. I just love it!
Things I am Passionate about:
-Digital scrapbooking
-Blogging…man I’m addicted
-Spending time with family
Words or phrases I often say:
-How ya doin’?
-What’s up?
-Hi bud/honey (to Jacoby)
-I’m so tired
-Oh yeah!
Things I want to do Before I die:
Wow there are so many…
-Travel all over Europe with Tyler
-Go on many trips with my family
-Start up playing the piano again
-Be a good seamstress...I know how to sew, but I want to be better!
-Play on a softball team and get a homerun...ha ha. I really wish that I would have played sports in high school.
Things I have learned from my past:
-To not worry about what other people think about me so much
-That it’s important to stand up for myself, I don’t like conflict, but I have learned that if you just let people walk all over you, you won’t be very happy.
-Friends seem so important when you’re younger, but family will always be there. My sisters are my best friends now. Treasure the times with your family.
-How grateful I am for my parents and all that they have taught me.
-The importance of hard work.
Places I would love to see:
-New York City
-Heaven…ha ha
Things I currently want or need:
I might sound snotty, but these are really just things I want…my “wish” list you might say. Someday…
-new clothes, could always use more of those.
-A robin egg blue armoire
-Coffee table
-MAC laptop
-Digital scrapbooking kits
-More decorations…I love to decorate
-Mini cooper
-a healthy family
-Tyler to do well in school
-My family to all stay living close, I don't want any of us to move away.
I tag:
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
2 months ago