When I saw these cars at Target the other day, I knew Jacoby would love them. Two of his favorite things put together: cars and Toy Story. Score. He loved them and so he bought them with his money from his great-great-grandparents for Christmas. What's even more perfect about the Woody and Buzz cars are they're Hot Wheels cars and he got some Hot Wheels car tracks from my grandma so they work great on them. I might even like them more than him. Hey, they're adorable.
I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted, but I'm not surprised. After Christmas I get a little down because I LOVE Christmastime so much. I'm so sad when it's all over. We had such a great time in Idaho for Christmas. It was nice having a white Christmas too; it wouldn't be the same without it. We're so grateful for our families; they are the best. We did so many fun things together and just enjoyed being all together again. We're grateful for all the nice gifts we received from everyone! This year has been fun to explain to Jacoby that Christmas is when Jesus was born. It's good time for me to think about the birth of thy son and recognize how blessed my life is because of Him.
Before Jacoby and I left for Idaho, Jacoby opened up some bigger presents that we couldn't haul there. He got this fun car track from my parents. This year Jacoby's presents were mainly cars and car tracks. He is obsessed. The first night we got there we went to Taylor's basketball game in Rexburg and afterword we looked at Christmas lights. This is at the house by my parents' where the lights go with the music. Jacoby couldn't stop talking about Christmas lights.
Sleeping with Grandpa T
Tyler's mom took Jacoby out in the snow and taught him how to shovel and pulled him in the sled.
The tramp doesn't bounce like it's supposed to. :)
Out to breakfast on Christmas Eve with my family.
My mom puts up at least five trees each year and they are each beautiful. One of my favorites is in her room and she has pretty frames with pictures of all of us in them.
She thought it would be fun to set up a tree to decorate with the grandkids. The big girls (what my dad calls Becca, Steph, and I) each came up with something to decorate it with and did the activity with the kids. For mine we did these fun snowmen ornaments with marshmallows inside. I found the idea online.
You crazy kids. Eden, that's what my hair looks like in the morning too. :)
We went to watch Aunt Livi cheer.
Matchy pajamas. This is a funny story, Tyler's mom gave Jacoby these pajamas and Lonnie's mom gave Johnny the same ones. The first night we were at my parents' I put these on Jacoby and went down to find Johnny in the same pair.
Sleepover in the fort Aunt Annie made.
Christmas morning. Look what Santa brought.
I was super excited for us to give my dad this milkshake maker. My in-laws have one and love it and my dad loves to make milkshakes. I think he was pretty excited. My dad is always so nice about presents and always acts very grateful.
Tyler's parents' gave us a milkshake maker too. I was so surprised. We've already made milkshakes three times and are loving it.
We got my mom a bike.
Race car tracks from Great-Grandma Long.
Jacoby loves hot chocolate.
Saying goodbye to cousins.
I love Johnny's fistful of treasures.
Bye Eden, see ya soon! They're coming to visit us this month! We can hardly wait.