On Tuesday Jacoby and I were at my parent's working on some crafts with my mom and Steph. Jacoby was standing on a chair in the dining room and all of a sudden he started falling backwords and hit his forehead on the corner of the bar in the kitchen. It was terrible because my mom and I both saw it coming, but we couldn't get there fast enough. Immediately I picked him up to see the damage and he had a huge gash in his forehead and it was deep. We went to the doctor's office and he had to get stitches. I was really unpleasantly surprised that he only had to get two stitches, but it did come together pretty well. I feel so bad that this happened, but he seems to be doing fine. I just really hope that it doesn't leave a scar especially because it's on his face. I'm grateful that it wasn't worse and that he is okay. Love ya, Coby!
A few scrapbook pages I've done recently:

I feel so awful about what happened to Coby! :( I'm glad he's ok. Your pages look great!
oh my gosh! poor little guy. it is so scary to watch stuff like that happen! i'm glad he's ok!
Poor baby. I think Jacoby looks a lot like your dad and Thomas in the first scrapbook page.
Oh poor thing. I bet you felt worse than he did- isn't that just the way it is to be a mom?
hahah daphne is the same with her bink. her whole face lights up when she sees it- i like that, it's nice that she'll take one- i'm just dreading the day she has to give it up.
Poor Coby!! It doesn't really matter he's a boy :)He's still pry the cutest one year old I know of. ..
Poor little guy. I will ask my grandma if she has anymore of that scar stuff.
I love your pages!
Thanks for last night. I had so much fun! You guys are awesome! We need to do that more often!
Oh Mis! This must have happened after I talke to your mom that night, because she didn't mention it! How awful, nothing worse than knowing something awful and painful is coming and not being able to stop it!!!! I bet it was like slow motion. Well, he took a great picture anyway! He's so cute. Use Mederma on his scar as soon as his stitches are out. It's expensive but totaly worth it! It will make that scar disapper and I should know, I keloid really bad and have to use it on any little scratch almost! It works and the first thing you'll notice is it takes the deep pink purple color out almost immediately. Good luck! Oh you'll have to post pics of the crafts you were working on with your mom!
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