I haven't done a monthly update of Jacoby since he turned one, so now that he's 14 months I wanted to remember all the fun things he's doing now. -Dancing to music, and dang he's a stud when he dances.
-Climbing and FALLING. He climbs up on the couch, trunk, chairs, and hearth.
-Sleeping so well through the night, from 8:30 pm-8:30 am.
-Says day doo(thank you), mamma, and dadda.
-Holds my hand when we walk.
-Puts things back where they go. He loves playing with our pans and so he had them out in the kitchen and all of a sudden he went over to the cupboard where they are kept and opened it and set it inside; I was thrilled. And another time I was going through my coupons and he wanted to "play" with them, so I handed him one I didn't need and he went over to where the garbage is and waited for me to open it, because it has a child safety lock, and threw it away. That smart little devil.
-Gives kisses, only with his mouth w i d e open.
He's a lot of fun and keeps us very busy. He's so hard to get pictures of now because as soon as I set him down where I want him and am ready to take the picture he stands up and tries to run grab the camera, so I mostly have really close up shots. :)