Jacoby and Johnny on Thanksgiving! They are some good lookin' boys! 
When Tyler was a baby, his dad would hold his feet in one hand and Tyler would stand up on them and balance himself. Tyler wants Jacoby to be able to do this, but for now, he can sit on one hand. Impressive, I know!
I loved this outfit he's wearing with his matching hat. I was trying to get him to talk to me, but lately he's much more interested in stuffing his fist in his mouth. Ha ha. Whatever makes ya happy buddy!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This year we went to my uncle Ryan and aunt Jenny’s home for Thanksgiving. My sisters and I are on the same schedule for Thanksgiving, so our whole family was able to be there this year. I made sure and took some pictures of Jacoby and Johnny; I’m so excited for them to grow up together. There was so much food, we had appetizers and were full before we even ate. It was really nice that Jacoby decided to fall asleep right before we ate, so we were really able to enjoy our meal. Thanks bud! I made a yummy artichoke dip and my very favorite, banana cream pie, all from scratch, and it takes forever but well worth it. It was so fun to be with family and just sit and visit all day. I really want to express my gratitude for all that I have in my life. I truly have been blessed in my life. I’m so grateful for my healthy baby boy; he brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. He really is a wonderful baby. I’m grateful that I am a mother and a wife. I love Tyler so much; he works so hard in school and also at his job. He makes me feel good about myself and he keeps me laughing. He is a wonderful father, and loves to help out with Jacoby. It’s so fun to watch him with Jacoby. I’m so grateful for my parents and the example that have always been to me. I always give my dad a hard time and tell him that he became so much nicer after I got married. It’s true though, he was a strict man! I love my mom and more than ever I realize how much she did for me growing up because I’m now a mother. I’m grateful for my sisters and my brother, they’re my best friends! I’m grateful for Tyler’s parents. They do so many nice things for us and I love them. There are so many other things that I’m so grateful for, It’s a wonderful life.
When Tyler was a baby, his dad would hold his feet in one hand and Tyler would stand up on them and balance himself. Tyler wants Jacoby to be able to do this, but for now, he can sit on one hand. Impressive, I know!
I loved this outfit he's wearing with his matching hat. I was trying to get him to talk to me, but lately he's much more interested in stuffing his fist in his mouth. Ha ha. Whatever makes ya happy buddy!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This year we went to my uncle Ryan and aunt Jenny’s home for Thanksgiving. My sisters and I are on the same schedule for Thanksgiving, so our whole family was able to be there this year. I made sure and took some pictures of Jacoby and Johnny; I’m so excited for them to grow up together. There was so much food, we had appetizers and were full before we even ate. It was really nice that Jacoby decided to fall asleep right before we ate, so we were really able to enjoy our meal. Thanks bud! I made a yummy artichoke dip and my very favorite, banana cream pie, all from scratch, and it takes forever but well worth it. It was so fun to be with family and just sit and visit all day. I really want to express my gratitude for all that I have in my life. I truly have been blessed in my life. I’m so grateful for my healthy baby boy; he brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. He really is a wonderful baby. I’m grateful that I am a mother and a wife. I love Tyler so much; he works so hard in school and also at his job. He makes me feel good about myself and he keeps me laughing. He is a wonderful father, and loves to help out with Jacoby. It’s so fun to watch him with Jacoby. I’m so grateful for my parents and the example that have always been to me. I always give my dad a hard time and tell him that he became so much nicer after I got married. It’s true though, he was a strict man! I love my mom and more than ever I realize how much she did for me growing up because I’m now a mother. I’m grateful for my sisters and my brother, they’re my best friends! I’m grateful for Tyler’s parents. They do so many nice things for us and I love them. There are so many other things that I’m so grateful for, It’s a wonderful life.