I'm getting pretty bad about posting, but wanted to try to catch up a little. It's been so busy having two now, but so fun. We've made a couple trips to Idaho in the past couple months and it's been so nice. We love seeing our families! Hallie is growing so much and is so fun. Jacoby loves her so much and is so sweet with her. He says the nicest prayers about her and says things like, "thank you for Hallie" and "thank you Hallie is so beautiful" and "thank you Hallie loves me and I love her." Prayers at our house can get pretty long. We love these two and are so grateful for them.
When I was pushing Jacoby on the tire swing I was saying, "Whee" and Hallie was laughing. Jacoby loves seeing Hallie smile so he had a huge smile on his face.
These two looked pretty adorable on the Fourth of July. We had a fun day as a family!