Saturday, October 22, 2011
It's a...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
oh, baby
While my family was here my mom took some pictures of me to post. Thanks, Mom!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
family, isn’t it great to love people this much
I was so excited to have my family come visit last week. Their flight was delayed six hours because of the snow, but we were finally able to see them Friday. It was so great to see them and the time just flew by. Here are some of the things we did:I have been wanting a runner to go under my TV instead of the dish towel that was currently there. Real classy. My mom made this for me and I love it. I had seen a quilt like this on Pinterest. I love the pleated edge. Thanks, Mom, you are so talented!
She brought all the stuff to make dresden plates. It went perfectly under my chunky candlestick. I’m excited to make more.
Jacoby was so excited to see Grandpa Mike. He loved all the attention he got that week. On Friday we met at a really fun park. Jacoby and Annie had fun riding on the train there. Then we hit the outlets afterword.
As much as Jacoby loves to play football, he can sure throw it, but catching it is pretty disastrous. He was so funny to watch.
Aunt Olivia was being silly looking through our pictures and kept saying wrong names of the people in the pictures to make Jacoby laugh.
My dad is just the best. He is always doing so many thoughtful things for everyone. I love being around him. He is such a great example to me.
A place that we all love to go, In-N-Out. Yummy!
We love croquet, so we went to the park to play a game. The balls went lots further than normal because of the short, crunchy grass. Have a mentioned I miss the grass at home? Ha ha. That is kind of a funny thing to miss.
Jacoby loved having someone to sleep on the trundle next to him.
I’m really glad Thomas was able to come for the weekend. It was fun to have him see where we live. I wish him and my dad could’ve stayed longer, and with the delay in their flight, it made the weekend way too short.
Olivia was craving chocolate-dipped bananas so she made a bunch. We had quite a few for breakfast over the next couple days.
Since Annie and Olivia had to miss some school, Annie had to make these yummy cookies for her cooking class and take pictures to show her teacher. They were so yummy with these mini Reeses Pieces. We spent lots of time swimming, eating good food, and playing games. My dad grilled some yummy salmon for dinner one night too.
We went shopping a lot and found some fun things. By the end of the week, Jacoby was pretty sick of it. Dangit!
Ice cream from Ikea. They had a little play area for Jacoby so we were able to really roam around Ikea and take our sweet time while Jacoby had a blast.
We had a yummy lunch at Olive Garden and pigged out.
I am so grateful my family was able to come visit for a week. I feel so blessed to have been born into this wonderful family. I love them all and miss seeing them so often. I had such a great time shopping, eating good food, baking, working and projects, and watching movies. You guys are the best. I love you so much!