Well I had a special request by Tyler's Aunt Rozie to update our blog, and I was happy to do it. It's always nice to know people read your blog, even if they don't leave any comments. :) I admit I'm guilty of that too, I enjoy reading other blogs, but sometimes don't get around to leaving a comment.
Just some pictures I snapped of Jacoby as he was running away from me because I had my camera out. Jacoby, you are handsome.
My dad got the grandkids a little four-wheeler that they've been having a ball on. It doesn't go very fast, which is perfect for them. Johnny can even ride it by himself. Ha ha. That's funny to watch because he seems way too small to be able to ride it.
Jacoby has never really been interested in any shows or movies, but we finally found a winner. Naturally it has a ball and dog in it so he loves it. Sandlot. Now, isn't that movie a classic? I sure love it; it was always a favorite at my house. He will seriously watch the whole thing without making a peep and doesn't even move a muscle. It has been nice to turn it on while I make dinner or clean the house. He has started to do some really funny things that he's learned from the movie like sliding, like he's sliding onto a base, tapping his bat on the ground before he hits it, and hitting the ball off the tee and taking off like he's running to a base. He's a very observant boy and it makes me smile to watch him discover things. I have realized that there are some not so good things on Sandlot that I hope he won't start quoting such as: scab eater, butt sniffer, pus licker, fart smeller. Ha ha.
Jacoby needed a haircut the other day so we just turned Sandlot on with his personal DVD player and it was a real breeze, quite the opposite of how it usually is. Funny kid.
Favorite show.