We got to see Becca, Lonnie, and their cute boys on Saturday and it was a blast. I love getting together with them. We planned to have our boys wear these matching outfits that we got from our Aunt Sherry and cousin Hailey to take pictures together. Of course it's pretty tough to get a good picture of both of them, but they turned out pretty cute I think. 
This picture of Johnny reminds me so much of my dad, I can't get over it, I love it.

I just posted a great recipe on our recipe blog for Mango Chicken Fajitas, you will all love it! We only post recipes on Make Your Tastebuds Dance that are tried and true and are our very favorite recipes, so check it out sometime. My mother-in-law gave me this wonderful recipe and it's one of their family's favorites.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
2 months ago